Best app for directions and public transport on ios.
Best app for directions and public transport on ios.
This app advertises you can search outside of the area you’re in. Was really hoping to find a good app to search for bus routes in London. 1* until they can fix it.
Moovit gets we’re I am going on time
Muy buena la aplicación sobre todo cuando no conoces donde vas viajas sin miedo y llegas seguro la adoro
Recomiendo al 100%
This app is perfect when traveling in a new city. It gave me so much freedom. My friends here used it too.
the best app i have ever used in my life!
Hey hey hey it’s all okay. Everything is awesome when you know how to use everything. Great app! From DTLA
My bus arrives when moovit says. This is a great app
Good one
THE BEST BEST APP !!! Great ! Just keep it doing !
Como todo, hay que usarlo y practicar. Muy bien cumple
I love this app so much!!!!!! No other applications can compare. This one is just perfect.
Don’t leave home without it!!
This app is accurate
This app is exactly what I need. My car was totaled and need to affordably get to doctors appointments.
Ive used several commuting apps and this is by far the best in terms of simplicity, accuracy and flexibility. It covers buses, subways and heavy rail commuter trains. Outstanding and the new upgrade makes it even cleaner.
This app enables one stop transportation shopping because it permits you to evaluate different transportation options - chose the most time and cost efficient - then connect with your mode selection. I rely on it at home - and while traveling.
I am in Israel and this thing knows I am an English speaker but it gives me partial directions in English with the street names in Hebrew. So I know I can catch the bus, and the number of the bus to get where I want to go, but it indicates the location of the bus stop in Hebrew, which I cant read. Most street signs here are in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. So finding the English street name would not be difficult. Even the map they post has the street names in English. It is just the street names in the directions that are iffy. Also, I can put in where I want to go in English and it converts it to Hebrew when it gives the directions so I never know for sure that I am getting directions to the correct location.
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